On Tuesday, June 27, 2023, Hotsy of Las Vegas President Aaron Muller visited Red Rock Window Cleaning to demonstrate the company’s water reclamation technology. The technology can cut water use for pressure washing by as much as 80%.

A local pressure washer dealer is hoping his DIY filtration system would encourage water conservation among his clientele and pave the way for an innovative rebate program.
Hotsy of Las Vegas president Aaron Muller stated that he invested around $80,000 in the construction of a machine that uses a trailer-mounted series of water filters to capture water used on pressure washing projects for reuse.
Over the course of around three months, he and his partner, Rob Huehnerhoff, constructed the machine in his workshop. He anticipates creating three or four new models during the next 12 months.
In his words, “This was kind of the prototype,” Muller described the device. No amount of explanation is going to convince anyone to buy this. They need tactile proof that it actually works. That’s why I spent a lot of money on making this possible.
The owner of Red Rock Window Cleaning, Coby Powell, aims to give demos to his customers in the retail, industrial, and Strip industries after purchasing the prototype.
Powell and Muller want a new refund like the ones for constructing water-efficient landscaping, so they’re going to meet with the Southern Nevada Water Authority to ask for one.
After stating that “we have to do a lot of measurements, a lot of testing and proving before we get a rebate,” Powell added that “we have to do a lot of work.” But we are able to meet them… to discuss methods of evaluation and the exact dollar amount of the rebate.
According to Muller, a typical pressure washer consumes eight gallons of water every minute, or around 480 gallons per hour.
According to Muller, he first began working on his system for a truck-washing business in Washington, a state with stricter wastewater standards and enforcement.
We observed the severity of the water shortage situation when we got out here… which leaves us wondering how on earth they let folks pressure wash. Says Muller. That limitation will soon be imposed.
But Southern Nevada has more dust than Washington, so the old method he and Huehnerhoff created might choke up in an hour, according to Muller.
The new system begins with a vacuum pipe 200 feet in length that collects runoff, which is then contained by dams constructed by the workers.
Most of the dirt is removed from the collected water in a pre-filtration bucket. Two pre-filtering buckets and a spare are mounted on the rear of the truck in case one becomes clogged.
Muller remarked, “Just mud is one of the biggest challenges of a reclaim system.”
The water then travels through twenty filters and two oil-specific filter bags. The system is completed by two 230-gallon tanks, one for fresh water and one for recycled water.
“It’s not necessarily new technology, but it’s new to Vegas,” Powell explained. That we didn’t initiate it is shocking. This is where it should have begun, before moving on to Seattle.
Source: https://lasvegassun.com/